Vadim Khudoliy
Born in Simferopol, Crimea. Currently works and lives in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from the School of Art & Architecture Academy in Crimea, and has worked in the film production industry since 2008. In 2006, I moved to Kyiv to begin a career in journalism. Personal multidisciplinary art projects include visual art, photography, and auteur cinema. In 2016, published my first photography antholgy, entitled, “DREAM” dedicated to experiencing the annexation of Crimea and the loss of home; and during the following year, film, “Light of the Light” was born. 2021 photobook “ESTRANGEMENT“.
Since 2018, has been collaborating with the duo Yarema and Himey as a colour corrector. Worked on documentaries, features, and short films such as: “State Institution” (2017), “To Whom Have You Abandoned Us Our Father” (2018, PinchukArtCentre Award), “New Jerusalem” (2020), “Live Stream” (2020, Main Prize, PinchukArtCentre). Also collaborated with Mikola Ridniy, Sasha Kurmaz and Nikita Kadan.
In 2022 I participate in various foreign charity auctions in order to raise money for Ukraine. Events were held in London, Toronto, Seattle, Berlin. Moya Ridna (Ukrainian for “my darling”, “my special one”) is a fundraising exhibition and print sale showcasing works by 14 artists from Ukraine.
Participation in the collective book Сподіваюсь (HOPE) in order to raise money for charity. The book features Ukrainian young photographers and several world stars. All funds raised will go to Kyiv Angels and Livyi Bereh, two organizations providing support to Ukrainians affected by the war and those in desperate need on the eastern frontlines.
At the moment I am working on the layout of new books KATENKA, DREAM2 and RUN AWAY.
2016 BOOK DREAM presentation KYIV
2017 LIGHT OF THE LIGHT film presentation KYIV
2021 BOOK ESTRANGEMENT presentation KYIV
2022 MOYA RYDNA Photographic Center Northwest Seattle, WA
2022 Liste Art Fair BASEL The sky is getting close Ukrainian film programm
2022 Festival d`Automne a PARIS The sky is getting close Ukrainian film programm
2023 United for Ukraine betweenbridgesfoundation Berlin
2023 Spilka - Ukrainian Perspectives: Photography from the 1940s–Now NEW YORK
This exhibition features curatorial selections from Magnum Photos and In Ukraine
2023 La Space Collection in LIÈGE BELGIUM
2024 Biennale de l'Image Possible BELGIUM
2024 Essential Goods is a group exhibition featuring work by more than 20 artists shaping the landscape of Ukrainian photography now / pavilionofculture KYIV / MEP PARIS